Micro Orifice Plates also work on the principal of restriction while offering extremely low flow rates to provide the finest control of fluids within a circuit. The hole size in micro-orifice plates can be significantly smaller than products produced with injection molding. The smaller hole sizes mean higher flow restriction and lower flow rate capabilities. Flow rates that were once reserved for expensive jeweled orifices can now be achieved much more economically with micro-orifice plates.

Unit of Measure


Nominal Orifice Size

N/A 0.002 in

Tubing Inside Diameter (ID)

N/A 1/16 in


N/A Transparent Red

Connection Type

N/A Barbed

Wetted Material(s)

N/A Nickel Polysulfone (PSU)

Maximum Pressure

N/A 125 psi8.6 bar
Typical Tube Retention Pressure1 N/A 125 psi8.6 bar

Nominal Flow Coefficient (Cv)

N/A 0.000083

Recommended System Filtration

N/A 5 µm

Installation Method

N/A Push-In

Additional Information


Barbed connections are a clean, time tested and cost efficient method of connection. The hoop strength of the tube holds around the barbed fitting. Air Logic's first barb is free of a parting line to create a good seal, additional barbs increase holding force for tube retention. Barbed connections are free of lubrication or thread sealant used in other styles of connection. Simply push the tube over the barb and the connection is complete. Straight ports are generally used with 1/16" ID tubing, but may also be used in a captured design with an external O-ring seal (not included).

Orifices are Factory tested in the direction marked on the product. The product will function in either direction, but using the product in the indicated direction will improve accuracy of the flow control. Orifices are non-adjustable and tamperproof method of flow control. Orifices are sometimes called Flow Restrictors, Snubbers, Pneumatic resistors, Flow reducers, Flow dampeners. Applications include all types of miniature, pneumatic, or fluidic systems (examples: coffee makers, gas analyzers, medical beds, and printing systems).

  • 1 Subject to tubing specification