Relief valves open the input port to the exhaust port when a specific pressure differential (ie. setpoint) is achieved. A diaphragm provides area for pressure supplied from the input port to act against the spring force. When the force of the input pressure exceeds the spring force, the valve opens. The valve stays open until the input pressure drops below the setpoint.

Ports can be supplied with straight or barbed fittings. A single barbed version is available when the exhaust port does not require a barb.

Unit of Measure



N/A Air Logic

Stock or Made-to-Order

N/A Made-to-Order

Presets Available?

N/A Factory Preset Available

Wetted Material(s)

N/A Polysulfone (PSU) Silicone (Si)

Adjustment Range

N/A 0.5 to 20 psi

Maximum Pressure

N/A 30 psi2.1 bar
Typical Tube Retention Pressure1 N/A 25 psi1.7 bar

Bleed Port Diameter

N/A 0.020 in

Recommended System Filtration

N/A 5 µm

Connection Type

N/A Straight Port

Tubing Inside Diameter (ID)

N/A 1/16 in
  • 1 Subject to tubing specification